sweetpotatomashThis recipe for mashed sweet potatoes is the traditional accompaniment to the South African dish Bobotie however it is a tasty vegetable dish in its own right and would make a good substitution for mashed carrot and swede or mashed potatoes. Do not be tempted to add milk or cream when mashing as the sweet potatoes have plenty or moisture in them already and you will end up with slop.

Link to measurement conversion chart

Makes enough for 6 - 8 portions


  • 3 - 4 sweet potatoes washed and patted dry
  • Knob of butter
  • Salt and pepper

You will also need

  • A baking tray
  • A bowl


  1. Preheat the oven to 180c
  2. Pierce the sweet potato skins all over and place on a baking tray
  3. Bake in the oven for 45 – 60 mins until the skins give easily when pressed
  4. Remove from the oven, split the skins in half and scoop out the orange flesh into a large bowl
  5. Add a good knob of butter, so
  6. me salt and pepper
  7. Using a potato masher, mash until the flesh is well pulped and the butter has been evenly combined

Serving suggestions and variations

  • Serve with Bobotie and yellow rice for a traditional South African dish
  • As mentioned above sweet potato would make a good accompaniment for any dish served with vegetables on the side. If you like mashed
  • carrot and swede thry using mashed sweet potatoes instead
  • Try stirring in some grated parmesan
  • Louise swears that adding a drizzle of maple syrup is devine


I may well have eaten Mashed Sweet potatoe before but not known it. We were knowingly introduced to sweet potatoes by Louise, who originates from South Africa. The smell of baking sweet potatoes brings back great memories for Lou of her Grandparents. Sweet potatoes are traditionally served as an accompaniment to Bobotie in South Africa. Thanks Louise

If you have enjoyed this recipe you may also enjoy these other recipes from our collection.

  1. Mashed Carrot and swede,makes a great alternative to Sweet potato mash
  2. Sweet potatoes were something I originally came across with Bobotie, which is a South African dish
  3. Sticky Toffee Pudding figures quite high on the list of favourites for my John

carrotswede mash4servedstpcloser

We hope you have enjoyed this recipe.

Happy eating!

